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Rendering engine

My attempt at creating a rendering engine in C++.

In college I did a minor game development which was really out of my comfort zone. I had built websites and webapps, but 3D software was something I hadn't tried yet. The final assignment was to build a 3D scene with OpenGL in C++ and I failed the first time. The second time, though, I put in so much time and effort that I got an A. I had so much fun while learning about OpenGL and C++ that I continued working on the project even after I graduated.

What does it do? #

I'm trying to divide the project into 2 components: a library to process vector data and pass it on to the GPU using OpenGL and an editor built on that library to easily interact with objects. You can find more information on the architecture in the Git repository.

What's the goal? #

My primary goal is to learn working with C++ and OpenGL to create multidimensional scenes as demos. I figure it will also help building scenes in WebGL if I ever want or need to.

Current status #

Right now, the project is on hold because I'm working on Boodschrappen. But I do intent to continue learning about game development when I have some time on my hands.

If you have any questions, remarks or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out to me on Mastodon.